Упражнение на лицо и число глагола

Упражнение 1.

Вставьте заключенные в скобках слова в правильном лице и числе.


It’s a nice place. Many people (to go) there for a holiday. — It’s a nice place. Many people go there for a holiday.

1. Some people (to be) always late.

2. The president is not popular. The people (to do not) like him.

3. A lot of people (to watch) television every day.

4. Three people (to be) killed in the accident.

5. How many people (to live) in that house?

6. (to do) the police carry guns in your country?

7. Tje police (to be) looking for the stolen car.

8. I need my glasses, but I can’t find (it or they).

9. I’m going to buy (a or some) new trousers today.



1. Some peopleare always late.

2. The president is not popular. The people don’t like him.

3. A lot of people watch television every day.

4. Three people were killed in the accident.

5. How many people live in that house?

6. Do the police carry guns in your country?

7. The police are looking for the stolen car.

8. I need my glasses, but I can’t find them.

9. I’m going to buy some new trousers today.

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