Упражнения на неопределенные местоимения

Повторение грамматики

Упражнение 1.

Вставьте some, any или no.

1. There are … pictures in the book.

2. Are there … new students in your group?

3. There are … old houses in our street.

4. Are there … English text-books on the desks? — Yes, there are … .

5. Are there … maps on the walls? — No, there aren’t … .

6. Are there … pens on the desk? — Yes, there are … .

7. Are there … sweets in your bag? — Yes, there are … .

8. Have you g o t… English books at home? — Yes, I have … .

9. There are … beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them.

10. There is … ink in my pen: I cannot write.

11. Is there … paper on your table?

12. I haven’t got … exercise books. Give me … , please.

13. It is winter. There are … leaves on the trees.

14. I didn’t buy … bananas yesterday.

15. Did you buy … oranges? Did you buy … orange juice?

16. Is there … tea left? — No, there isn’t … . I’ll make … coffee if you don’t mind. The apple pie
is wonderful. Would you like …? — Oh, yes, please. Can I have … milk in my coffee, please?

17. There is … butter in the fridge, but there isn’t … milk.

18. Are there … eggs?— There aren’t … eggs left.

19. We haven’t got … flour.

20. To make cabbage soup I need … cabbage, … onions, … carrots, … beetroots, … dill and … parsley, … potatoes, … good oil and … salt.

21. I need to buy a lot of things. There isn’t … time to waste.

22. Oh, dear! There is … money in my purse. But I can use my credit card.


Скрытый текст

1. There are some pictures in the book.

2. Are there any new students in your group?

3. There are some/no old houses in our street.

4. Are there any English text-books on the desks? — Yes, there are some.

5. Are there any maps on the walls? — No, there aren’t any.

6. Are there any pens on the desk? — Yes, there are some.

7. Are there any sweets in your bag? — Yes, there are some.

8. Have you got any English books at home? — Yes, I have some.

9. There are some beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them.

10. There is no ink in my pen: I cannot write.

11. Is there any paper on your table?

12. I haven’t got any exercise books. Give me some, please.

13. It is winter. There are some leaves on the trees.

14. I didn’t buy any bananas yesterday.

15. Did you buy any oranges? Did you buy any orange juice?

16. Is there any tea left? — No, there isn’t any. I’ll make some coffee if you don’t mind. The apple pie
is wonderful. Would you like any? — Oh, yes, please. Can I have any milk in my coffee, please?

17. There is some butter in the fridge, but there isn’t any milk.

18. Are there any eggs?— There aren’t any eggs left.

19. We haven’t got any flour.

20. To make cabbage soup I need some cabbage, some onions, some carrots, some beetroots, some dill and some parsley, some potatoes, some good oil and some salt.

21. I need to buy a lot of things. There isn’t any time to waste.

22. Oh, dear! There is no money in my purse. But I can use my credit card.

Упражнение 2.

Переделайте предложения в отрицательные по образцу.


I’ve got some euros in my purse. (У меня есть немного евро в кошельке.) – I haven’t got any euros in my purse. (У меня нет евро в кошельке.)

1. We saw some water under the fridge. (Мы видели воду под холодильником.)

2. There are some fancy dresses in this store. (В этом магазине есть модные платья.)

3. You’ll find some balls on the floor. (Ты найдешь несколько мячей на полу.)

4. I’ve had some important phone-calls this morning. (У меня было несколько важных звонков этим утром.)

5. He is reading some letters in the kitchen. (Он читает письма на кухне.)

6. I recognized somebody at the party. (Я узнал кое-кого на вечеринке.)

7. You can plant this flower somewhere in the garden. (Ты можешь посадить этот цветок где-нибудь в саду.)

8. We should call somebody. (Нам нужно кого-нибудь позвать.)


Скрытый текст

1. We didn’t see any water under the fridge.

2. There aren’t any fancy dresses in this store.

3. You won’t find any balls on the floor.

4. I haven’t had any important phone-calls this morning.

5. He isn’t reading any letters in the kitchen.

6. I didn’t recognize anybody at the party.

7. You can’t plant this flower anywhere in the garden.

8. We shouldn’t call anybody.

Упражнение 3.

Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительные согласно образцу.


I can speak some Russian. (Я могу немного говорить по-русски.)Can you speak any Russian? (Ты можешь немного говорить по-русски?)

1. My teacher gave me some advice. (Мой учитель дал мне совет.)

2. We have seen some great films this month. (Мы посмотрели несколько классных фильмов в этом месяце.)

3. He has got some beer in the fridge. (У него есть немного пива в холодильнике.)

4. She said something strange about her neighbor. (Она рассказала кое-что странное о своем соседе.)

5. They ate something for lunch. (Они что-то съели на обед.)

6. We can find better food somewhere else. (Мы можем найти более лучшую еду где-нибудь еще.)

7. There is something wrong with your car. (С твоей машиной что-то не в порядке.)

8. Somebody is calling my name. (Кто-то зовет меня.)


Скрытый текст

1. Did your teacher give you any advice?

2. Have you seen any great films this month?

3. Has he got any beer in the fridge?

4. Did she say anything strange about her neighbor?

5. Did they eat anything for lunch?

6. Can we find better food anywhere else?

7. Is there anything wrong with your car?

8. Is anybody calling my name?

Упражнение 4.

Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на перевод неопределенных местоимений some и any.

1. Он задал мне несколько вопросов.
2. Некоторые люди не любят проводить лето за городом.
3. У тебя есть бумага? — Да, есть немного.
4. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, молока.
5. У некоторых студентов первого курса завтра нет занятий по английскому языку.
6. Хотите чаю? — Нет, спасибо.
7. Он дал нам чернил.
8. Утром мы пили кофе.
9. У вас есть какие-нибудь интересные статьи?
10. Он не дал мне никаких писем.
11. У твоего друга есть книги на французском языке?
12. Любой студент может ответить на этот вопрос.
13. Приходите в любое время.
14. Не думаю, что у меня дома есть газеты.
15. У вас есть какие-нибудь карандаши? — Да, есть несколько.
16. Я не вижу чашек и ложек на столе.


Скрытый текст

1. He asked me some questions.
2. Some people don’t like to spend summers in the country.
3. Do you have some paper? — Yes, I have some.
4. Give me some milk, please. (= Could you give me some milk?)
5. Some students of the first year are not going to have their English tomorrow.
6. Do you want some tea? — No, thank you.
7. He gave us some ink.
8. We had some coffee on the morning.
9. Do you have any interesting articles?
10. He didn’t give me any letters.
11. Does your friend have any French books?
12. Any student can answer this question.
13. Come any time.
14. I don’t think I have any newspapers at home.
15. Do you have any pencils? — Yes, I have some.
16. I don’t see any cups and spoons on the table.


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