Упражнения на наречия

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Упражнение 1.

Выберите правильно наречие из скобок.

1. He stood (close/closely) to the door.
2. You can get the book (free/freely).
3. Не couldn’t explain it (clear/clearly).
4. I (hard/hardly) studied at all last term.
5. You guessed (wrong/wrongly).
6. He opened the door (wide/widely).
7. She was (high/highly) praised for her work.
8. He has been working (hard/hardly).
9. I’m getting (pretty/prettily) tired.
10. You can speak (free/freely) in front of him.
11. My friends are (most/mostly) students.
12. I haven’t been to the theatre much (late/lately).
13. I (wrong/wrongly) assumed that you were my friend.
14. He (close/closely) inspected the lock.
15. He came back (late/lately).
16. You’re doing (fine/finely).
17. Take it (easy/easily).
18. The kite flew (high/highly).
19. The girl was dancing (pretty/prettily).
20. I understood his English (easy/easily).
21. He pulled the strings (tight/tightly).
22. It was (near/nearly) midnight.
23. Of all fruit he loved apples (most/mostly),.
24. They differed (wide/widely) in opinions.
25. The car droye up (near/nearly) to the gate.
26. I (clean/cleanly) forgot about it.
27. He loved his parents (dear/dearly).
28. He will be in (short/shortly).
29. He bought it (cheap/cheaply).
30. His refusal cost him (dear/dearly).
31. He turned round (sharp/sharply).
32. They travelled (cheap/cheaply).
33. They treated him (fair/fairly).
34. The foreman cut me (short/shortly).
35.She clenched the letter (tight/tightly) in her hand.
36.She wiped the table (clean/cleanly).
37. He always travelled (light/lightly).
38. You must play (fair/fairly).
39. He kissed me (light/lightly) on the cheek.
40. It was ten o’clock (sharp/sharply).
41. Stand (clear/clearly) of the machine.


Скрытый текст

1. close
2. free
3. clearly
4. hardly
5. wrong
6. wide
7. highly
8. hard
9. pretty
10. freely
11. mostly
12. lately
13. wrongly
14. closely
15. late
16. fine
17. easy
18. high
19. prettily
20. easily
21. tight
22. nearly
23. most
24. widely
25. near
26. clean
27. dearly
28. shortly
29. cheap
30. dear
31. sharply
32. cheaply
33. fairly
34. short
35. tightly
36. cleanly
37. light
38. fair
39. lightly
40. sharp
41. clear

Упражнение 2.

Поставьте наречие в правильное место.

1. I can’t do it (possibly).

2. He has mentioned it (never).

3. We just watched TV (tonight).

4. Has he been out of his native town (ever)?

5. Mother is in the kitchen (now).

6. He can be seen in the local pub in the evening (usually).

7. What have you been doing (here)?

8. He will be sick of living alone (soon).

9. She went to bed (early).

10. They all went upstairs (presently).

11. “Fools,” she said to herself (angrily).

12. She was indifferent to him (entirely).

13. He looked hurt (deeply).

14. He could have managed it (easily).

15. She listened to him (respectively).

16. They kept laughing (uproariously).

17. She was trying to explain (simply).

18. I think she’s lying (frankly).

19. They’ve forgotten the time (probably).

20. The visit has been very successful (politically).

21. He knew what was happening (perhaps).

22. I did not see him (honestly).

23. The letter is sent off (anyway).

24. He is very happy (obviously).

25. The players could see the ball (hardly).

26. Turning the books over he looked at the titles (rapidly).

27. We had a nice game (certainly).

28. The idea passed through my mind (idly).

29. She spoke Italian (perfectly).

30. I must just wait for his letter (patiently).

3l.She began to cry (hysterically).

32. You can see in people’s thoughts (sometimes, clearly).


Скрытый текст

1. I can’t possibly do it.
2. He has never mentioned it.
3. We just watched TV tonight.
4. Has he ever been out of his native town?
5. Mother is now in the kitchen.
6. He can usually be seen in the local pub in the evening.
7. What have you been doing here.
8. He will soon be sick of living alone.
9. She went to bed early.
10. Presently they all went upstairs.
11. “Fools,” she said to herself angrily.
12. She was entirely indifferent to him.
13. He looked deeply hurt.
14. He could have easily managed it. (or: He could have managed it easily.)
15. She listened to him respectively.
16. They kept laughing uproariously.
17. She was simply trying to explain. She was trying to explain simply.
18. Frankly, I think she’s lying.
19. They’ve probably forgotten the time.
20. Politically, the visit has been very successful.
21. Perhaps he knew what was happening. (or: He perhaps knew what was happening.)
22. Honestly, I did not see him.
23. Anyway, the letter is sent off. (or. The letter is sent off, anyway.)
24. Obviously, he is very happy. (or: He is obviously very happy.)
25. The players could hardly see ball.
26. Turning the books over rapidly, he looked at the titles. Turning the books over he looked at the titles rapidly.
27. We certainly had a nice game.
28. The idea passed idly through my mind.
29. She spoke Italian perfectly.
30. I must just wait patiently for his letter.
31. She began to cry hysterically.
32. You can sometimes see in people’s thoughts clearly.

Упражнение 3.

(употребление enough и such — so).

Заполните пробелы, выбрав правильный вариант:

1. We’ve got *** time *** to do this work (enough).

2. The work is *** important *** (enough).

3. He is (such — so) *** a nice man to speak with.

4. She is (such — so) *** beautiful.

5. We bought (such — so) *** a lovely house in the country.


Скрытый текст

1. We’ve got enough time to do this work.

2. The work is important enough.

3. He is such a nice man to speak with.

4. She is so beautiful.

5. We bought such a lovely house in the country.


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