Упражнения на Future in the Past

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Упражнение 1.

Поставьте данные в скобках глаголы в нужную временную форму, соблюдая правило согласования времен.

1. They promised that they (bring) ____ us all the necessary books.

2. He did it better than I (expect) ____ he would.

3. He said that the tractors (be) ____ there soon.

4. I think it all happened soon after the meeting (end) ____.

5. He said that he (can) ____ not do it without my help.

6. The astronomer told us that the Moon (be) ____ 240,000 miles from the Earth.

7. We asked the delegates whether they ever (see) ____ such a demonstration.

8. It was decided that we (start) ____ our work at four o’clock.

9. I told you that I (leave) ____ town on the following day.

10. I did not know that you already (receive) ____ the letter.

11. The boy did not know that water (boil) ____ at 100 degrees.

12. He wanted to know what (become) ____ of the books.

13. I was told that the secretary just (go out) ____ and (to come back) ____ in half an hour.

14. We were afraid that she not (be able) ____ to finish her work in time and therefore (offer) ____ to help her.

15. He said we (may) ____ keep the book as long as we (like) ____.

16. When I called at his house, they (tell) ____ me that he (leave) ____ an hour before.

17. It (be) ____ soon clear to the teacher that the new pupil (cause) ____ much trouble.

18. I was thinking what a pleasure it (be) ____ to see my old friend again; I not (see) ____ him since my school days.

19. I have not yet told them that I (get) ____ them those books in the nearest future.



1. They promised that they would bring us all the necessary books.

2. He did it better than I had expected he would.

3. He said that the tractors would be there soon.

4. I think it all happened soon after the meeting had ended.

5. He said that he could not do it without my help.

6. The astronomer told us that the Moon is 240,000 miles from the Earth.

7. We asked the delegates whether they had ever seen such a demonstration.

8. It was decided that we would start our work at four o’clock.

9. I told you that I would leave town on the following day.

10. I did not know that you had already received the letter.

11. The boy did not know that water boils at 100 degrees.

12. He wanted to know what had become of the books.

13. I was told that the secretary had just gone out and would come back in half an hour.

14. We were afraid that she would not be able to finish her work in time and therefore offered to help her.

15. He said we might keep the book as long as we liked.

16. When I called at his house, they told me that he had left an hour before.

17. It was soon clear to the teacher that the new pupil would cause much trouble.

18. I was thinking what a pleasure it would be to see my old friend again; I had not seen him since my school days.

19. I have not yet told them that I would get them those books in the nearest future.


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