Sports * Текст для чтения

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Many people are fond of sports. It is the most popular way of relaxing. Sport helps us to be healthy and enjoy the life. Nowadays thousands of people are almost crazy about their health, and participating in sports has a great attraction for them. Besides, sport games are good for training people in courteous behaviour; it teaches them to lose a game without losing their temper, and avoid selfish actions or mean tricks.

There are some kinds of sports which attract thousands of people. They are football, basketball, ice hockey, wrestling, track and field events. There are a lot of sportsfans of these games all over the world. Many people belong to different amateur teams. As for me I am a member of our school volleyball team. I like this game very much. You must be rapid, attentive; you must have strong hands and fingers to play this game. The aim of the game is to put the ball to the opposite team’s court and not to let the opposite team make the ball touch the floor of your team’s court. Our school team is very good. We won many prizes in Inter-Schools contests.

Not everyone who enjoys sporting events like to participate in them. Some people prefer to be spectators, either by attending the games in person or watching them on TV. There are even special sport channels presenting sporting events all day long.

Speaking about sports, we can’t avoid speaking about the Olympic Games. The Olympics have a very long history. They began in 776 BC at Olympia, in Greece. They take place every four years. In 1896 the first international Olympic Games were held. From then and to the present time the games have been international and the number of events in the programme has increased.

In these games only amateurs or non-professional athletes can take part. Each country sends team for as many of different events as possible. The winners of each event are given a certain number of points. The International Olympic Committee decides where the next Olympics will take place. Only cities (not countries) can be hosts of the Games. The next Olympic Games will take place in Sidney.

It is always very nice to see a family every member of which is fond of sports. Sports trains people’s patience, tolerance. When the parents share their children’s interests you can say that the family is a lucky one.

Слова и выражения

to be fond of быть заинтересованным в чем либо, проявлять интерес к чему-либо

courteous достойное

to lose a game without losing a temper проигрывать с достоинством; делать хорошую мину при плохой игре

wrestling борьба

track and field events легкая атлетика

to belong to a … team состоять в команде 

amateur любительский

to attend in person зд. быть на трибуне, присутствовать на игре

the International Olympic Committee Международный олимпийский комитет

tolerance терпимость

to share one’s interests разделять чьи-либо интересы

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